Sunday, February 26, 2012

Getting The Hang of It

I have been practicing and working hard on my bangle bracelets since the last time I blogged about them.  It is becoming so much more fun!  I have added a few different center pieces and added some copper (because it is obviously the closest to orange haha).  The copper is meant to serve 2 purposes. The first purpose is to help cover the pieces of silver that I had to cut and twist so it won't get caught on clothes or cut any one when they put the bracelets on.  The second purpose is to add a little bit of color.  So far the charms and center pieces that I have chosen to work with are silver, black &/or white.  I love to add some color to anything!  I enjoy black and white but sometimes color is more fun!  I am looking into buying some thin wire like the copper but in different colors to try out.  Here is what I have so far and is up on etsy with certain wrist measurements:

 Here they all are on my arm.
I have almost all of them up on my etsy shop.  There are only 2 that are pictured here and I am not selling because I am keeping them for myself.  Right now on my etsy items, even my paintings and drawings there is FREE shipping within the US.  Check it out for any up coming birthdays, Mother's and Father's Day, or just to show someone you were think ing of them.
Let me know if you have any questions or to let me know what you think!  Until the next blog :)
xoxo Savannah