Monday, April 23, 2012

Erasing Back, Drawing With An Eraser

When I was in school, one of the different tools I experienced drawing with was my eraser.  Yes, you read it correctly haha, my eraser.  We would take a charcoal stick and completely cover our paper with a thick layer of black charcoal.  This is the exact opposite of what I was use to, I was obviously use to drawing on clean white paper.  The professor had a set up in the studio like she always did and when we were done coloring our paper black she told us to pick up our eraser and choose a spot to start drawing.  If we made a mistake we would use our charcoal stick to correct it.  It was a lot of fun and really interesting, here are some pictures:

This was always called erasing back.  I am not sure if that's that actual name for this type of art or not but that's what I always call it.  We were never allowed to use white pastels during these exercises, only later on when we would mix techniques for projects.
Once we practiced this for a few classes we actually were able to start mixing it up, have half the paper we were using be colored black and then erase back to draw and the other half start off as the normal white paper.  Here are a few of those:

This reminds me that I haven't done any pieces like this in a little while.  Maybe it can be a new project for me to keep me on my toes and practicing :)
If you enjoy drawing, I hope you adventure out a little and put the pencil down and try drawing with your eraser a little.
xoxo Savannah

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