Thursday, October 27, 2011

Deeper Thinking - Abstractly Branching Out

The design class I took at Rhode Island College taught me not only how to mix colors and use my color wheel but to also creat abstract paintings.  Abstract paintings are sometimes more difficult to understand.  One thing that I love about them, is that each person can see something different, they are interpreted in different ways.  One person can see the same painting as me, but have the complete opposite thought, feeling, or idea than I have.  When an artist paints an abstract piece, their mood and thoughts at the time can change the way a painting comes out.  If I am having a bad day, my paintings may come out darker or appear sadder. That is not always the case however, once again it depends on how someone may view the painting. 
Abstract paintings tell their own story and encourage the viewer to think outside of the everyday realistic box.  They can create so many conversations!  Here are some of the abstract pieces I created in my Design class at RIC:

 The picture below shows the brush strokes over the colorful circles above.  In order to get such a clear layer, I mainly brushed water mixed with the tiniest tiniest bit of paint.

Each of these projects took hours and hours of work, I think I remember calculating one of them and it came out to about 21 hours once the project was finished.
Here are some of the abstract pieces I have worked on since that class:
 I got the idea for the picture below from a book at Kittery Trading Post in Maine.  The cover of a book had a picture of a page turning.  So then I sketched this on a page and started to use charcoal which are the black areas under the paper that is turning.  Then I wanted to use some color, so of course I used my favorite contrasting colors :)
 In this picture I was trying to convey the image of night and day in a different way.

There will definitely be more of these abstract pieces in the future because I love thinking deeper and outside the box at times.  It's a wonderful way to mix things up :)
Let me know what you think and any thoughts you have about what these pieces mean to you.
xoxo Savannah

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