Thursday, July 12, 2012

People Are Difficult

Artists that can draw portraits are incredible and extremely talented!  I find drawing people to be very difficult.  There is so much detail when drawing a person, especially a persons face.  When you look at someone you see personality and who they are in their eyes.  Trying to capture that along with all the expressions people make is difficult.  But I am determined to conquer this obstacle!!

Since the face is the hardest part, tonight I decided not to draw the face.  This picture is not done, but I am trying a different approach.  If the front is hard, start with the back as a stepping stone:
Even though this is the back of a person, there is a lot to it.  The hair, the muscles, and the movement of the limbs.  It is still a work in progress but it was a lot of fun and interesting to start.
Here are a few of my past attempts:
I tried drawing a picture of my brother, I can kinda see him in there a little but there is soooo much work that has to be done.  I even wrote some notes on the side of what I thought needed the most work.

This is a picture in progress, so far it's not too bad but I haven't done much detail and the eyes and mouth were giving me a hard time.

These last few pictures were all the same little girl.  They were different pictures but very hard.  I even tried pulling apart the different parts of the face to practice.  This is almost like thumbnailing, it is concentrating and focusing on one particular area at a time.  Doing this is great practice.
I will keep you updated with my on going projects soon!!
xoxo Savannah

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