Monday, March 26, 2012

Art Lesson With Tints, Tones, and Shades

In school, I learned what tints, tones, and shades of color are.  These are a whole set of neutrals that utilize the values of color.  The value is the relative lightness or darkness of a surface.  It is the product of mixing white and black only.  The best example would be of a black and white photo, there are different values in each part of the photograph.
Whenever I am painting, this is the knowledge that I use and look back on when I am mixing colors (hues).  When you think of a color at it's lightest point and watch it move to it's darkest point:
those are the tints, tones, and shades of the color.  For instance, I took the colors orange (of course) and blue.  I would start in the middle, on my paint palette I would have 2 orange piles of paint and 2 blue piles of paint.  One pile I would continue to add white and paint to the left of my middle section.  The other pile I would continue to add black and paint to the right of my middle section.  The idea is to get the smoothest transitions from one side to the other.  I could have made the transition in my colors much smoother but my professor had told me that for the number of rectangles he assigned us I did really well.
Tints:  a color (hue) with anything from the lightest 1/3
Tones:  a color (hue) with anything from the middle 1/3
Shades:  a hue (color) with anything from the darkest 1/3

The Easter season brings out lots of tints of color.  Tints are where our pastels come from.  So in a sense, tints are pastels.

Here is another assignment we had to do:
Sorry the glare from my light and the camera make some of these colors hard to see.  At the top we had to paint the colors on the color wheel.  Then in the squares below, we painted tints, tones, and shades.  We didn't need to have smooth transitions in this piece just examples of each.  The first 2 rows are the tints, the middle 2 rows are the tones, and the last 2 rows are the shades.
These 2 assignments I found the most enjoyable in class, I LOVE working with color!!
I hope I was able to pass a little of my knowledge along :)

Tomorrow (March 27th) is my brother Patrick's birthday so I would just like to wish him a very special
Happy Birthday from his big sister!!xoxo


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