Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bracelets of Fun

When I was in elementary school my mom bought me a book about how to make friendship bracelets.  I think it was from the American Girl magazine or something to do with the American Girl dolls, I used to love them!  On a snow day that we had off from school, my mom and I sat down to start making some at the dinning room table after we shoveled for a little while.  It was so much fun and after we made that one I couldn't stop!  They were the type of bracelets that are made with knots and you can make them with lots of different colors.  I remember the first one I made on that snow day was all pastel colors, it was very pretty.
I stopped making them for a little while but in the past year I have started back up again.  Instead of only making the bracelets with just knots, I started adding in center beads.  They are so much fun to make!  I always try and think of what I would want to wear as a bracelet and what and what type of beads I would want.  Not only do I make knotted bracelets but I am trying to make bracelets with primarily beads as well.  I tend to stay more towards the earth tones and silver gray color as the center bead because those are the colors I tend to wear more of.
Here are some pictures of my newest bracelets:

So far, I have only made 4 different types of bracelet knots.  Each of the bracelets uses the same type of knot but the direction may change or one bracelet may have different direction of knots.  Even though the knots are technically the same, the direction can change the way the bracelet comes out.
Like everything, I am trying to branch out with my bracelets.  Whether it is the size of my bracelet centers, what color of string, what color of beads, only knots, only beads, trying to use wire instead of string, anything I can think of.  I love learning new things and will continue to try something different that I haven't done before.
Let me know what you think!
xoxo Savannah


  1. Love the bracelets! my favorites are the ones with the black stones!

  2. I agree with Michelle! Love the black and white ones! I wore the bracelet you made me to work today :)Everyone always comments on it <3
